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Because my call sign is N∅AGV I was searching for fonts that had the slash 0. I was using the HTML mathematical symbol code #8709 or &empty which generates ∅ instead of a real slashed zero. Paul Young G0HWC of Essex, England had a good selection of TrueType fonts, so I adding them here.

The slashed zero is used to distinguish the digit zero from the latin script letter O in encoding systems, scientific and engineering applications, computer programming (such as software development), and telecommunications. The slashed zero is sometimes approximated by overlaying zero and slash characters. Some fonts make slashed zero look like "∅".

Typefaces commonly found on personal computers that use the slashed zero include:

  • Terminal in Microsoft's Windows line.
  • Consolas in Microsoft's Windows Vista, Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2007, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
  • Menlo in macOS
  • Monaco in macOS
  • SF Mono in macOS
  • Liberation in Fedora Linux (not present on most other Linux distributions)
  • ProFont
  • Roboto Mono
  • Dotted zero typefaces

  • The DejaVu family of typefaces has a "DejaVu Sans Mono" variant with a dotted zero.
  • Andalé Mono has a dotted zero.
  • IBM Plex Mono uses a dotted zero.
  • Source Code Pro and its associated typefaces use a dotted zero.

  • Andale Mono (with dotted 0)
    Brave New Era (with slashed 0)
    Crisp (with slashed 0)
    Glass Guage (with slashed 0)
    Gothic Light (with slashed 0)
    Mincho Light (with slashed 0)
    Monaco (with slashed 0)
    Morse Code
    Pro Font Windows (with slashed 0)
    Arial (with slashed 0)
    T-93 (with slashed 0)
    Technical (with slashed 0)
    TI-92+ (with slashed 0)
    Vag Round Bold (with slashed 0)